
My Groups

Create your own weekly contest with SBD Play Groups!

Groups allow you to create smaller contests to compete against other Play users and your friends with a dedicated leaderboard.

Set up a private or public group at the link below to get started.

Public Groups

Group NameMottoMembers
StarWin Or Go BrokeNot here to make small, safe plays and slowly build the bankroll. We risk it for the biscuit173
StarThe SharpsWe always find our edge and make the smart play76
FRANK MICHAEL SMITH GROUPMust be in this group to win my cash prize550
All Sports Culture ContestHere to win52
Talking Hockey Vs The WorldLets see who the smartest person in the room is41
AJs March Madness Challenge!GVGT34
SOG SportsGamers, ballers, playmakers and shot callers. Pro win and anti coward. 30
spm261.2021into to sm21
ECUBOSECU Betting on Sports17
spm261.2.2021introduction to sm15
winnerswe dont lose14
Hockey CollectiveFor the followers of Hockey Collective, lets see who can come out on top!13
CatchTheBlitzOfficial SBD Play group of CTB13
Reliable PicksOnly winners13
StatlineStatline Instagram13

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